- name : bram
- birth date: 4 - 18
- curent location: www.qinkqonk.com
- eye color : black
- hair colour: black
- height: 170
- right handed/left handed : both handed
- heritage: uhm???
- weakness: no friends
- biggest fear: kebuka boongnya
- your perfect pizza: chicken n cheese
- goal you'd like to: succesfull trend setter
FACT 3: Your?
- most overused phrase(s): hehehehehe
- thoughts first waking up: whose calling last night?
- best physical feature: my eyes
- usual bedtime: when i'm got tired or depressed
- most missed memory : with that friend!
FACT 4: Preferences..?
- pepsi or Coke: pepsi lahh
- McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King
- single or group dates: bash party!
- lipton iced tea or nestle tea: nestle, seger
- chocolate or vanilla: choco
- cappuccino or Latte: latte
FACT 5: Do you?
- smoke: nope
- sing: even worst
- have a crush(es): lots of crush
- want to get married: and get torched??
- believe in yourself: i hav to
- get motion sickness: yupp
- think you're attractive: sure
- think you're a health freak: wekks... i'm internet
freaks.. n it's enough!
- get along with your parents: my mom and shop!
- like thunderstorms: nope..
- play an instrument: flute
FACT 6: In the past month, you?
- gone on a date: several
- gone to the mall: several
- eaten sushi: a bite
- been on stage: nope
- gone skating: yupp
- age you hope to be married: just guess...
- numbers and names of Childrens: guess again
- describe your dream wedding: keep guessing
- how do you want to die: happilly ever after
FACT 8: List the number of:
- people trust: 2
- piercings: 1
- tattoos: almost 1
- scars on my body: m i saddo or what???
FACT 9: What..?
- music are you listening to now: DJ RIRI
- time is it now : 10.44am
- what are the things & ppl you treasure the most:
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