miss somebody

24 Juli 2008

so much works to do..
so much love to share..

can i just miss somebody
and put all my faith to go on

Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?

21 Juli 2008

Is there something that you want to tell someone but can't?
+ hummm.... yeaa
Where's your ideal vacation and why?
+ with the gorgeous one... ahh.. u know why
Is there someone who left your life that you wish they didn't?
+ yups... miss them
Did the last person you kiss deserve it?
+ ain't do it so well
Would you rather hear the painful truth or a happy lie?
+ as long i have my medicine
Have you been in love?
+ yups...
Do you miss anyone right now?
+ yups...
What are your plans for tonight?
+ clubbing
What are your plans for Friday?
+ clubbing
Do you know anybody who is having a baby?
+ nona & kuyus
Where was your default picture taken?
+ my campus club
Does anybody hate you?
+ yeah... me too
Do you prefer fried or roasted chicken?
+ roasted is more preferable
Have you ever stayed overnight in the hospital?
+ uhuh
Who was the last person that made you cry, why?
+ it's always him
When was the last time something bothered you?
+ rite now
Would you hug your ex again?
+ which one?
How's your heart lately?
+ i need love
What does the last text message say in your inbox?
+ yup.. thx!
Is there something you could’ve done to make your last relationship work?
+ naa.... it's better this way
How long does it take you to get ready?
+ an hour for safety
First thing you notice in the opposite sex?
+ breast
Have any tattoos?
+wait till i gain more weights
Last time you cried over your last ex?
+before i broke up with him
Have you ever thought that you were going to marry a person?
+not until 2010
Have you ever made a boyfriend or girlfriend cry?
Have you ever had your heart broken?
Have you dated someone older than you?
+yeaaa.... im available for date rite now
Does heartbreak really feel as bad as it sounds?
+ bitter
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
+guess so
Do you kiss people when you're single?
+ yeaa
Last time you consumed alcohol?
+ last weekend
Do you have curly hair?
Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
+gotta be better than the last kiss
Do you cry easily?
+hehe... i chose dare
Where is your phone?
+on my desk
Three days from now will you have sex?
+dont think so
Whats the 8th text in your inbox say?
Do you like your first name?
+i dont have problem with it
What are your initials?
+ BR
What was the last movie you watched?
+ i forgot
Who is one person that you hate?
+ that somekinda guy

bubye toto

18 Juli 2008

barusan baca sms ga enak
ternyata gebetan toto itu cuman doyan duit
lepas aja ahh....

tapi tetep yak
ngakunya ga ada rasa apa-apa
begitu tau ga ada harapan
tetep aja jadi down


irresistible guy

hehe... yang ini beda lagi
temennya david

he's so irresistible!!
yeah... you wish i wishn't

dah dua minggu ga nulis blog
dah tiga minggu ga dengerin itunes

kenapa yah...
tapi yang jelas
baru seminggu ini ada orang baru yang muncul di kepala gw

namanya toto
ketemunya pas dia lagi ngobrol di entrance
nothing special...
kampungan as ussual
tapi bisepnya yang gede, bikin mata ngga bisa lepas

ketemu pertama, gw cuekin abis
meski sempet say hi, nanya asal usul

baru di ketemuan kedua, pulangnya sengaja gw ajakin makan dulu di burjo
muter-muter bentar, langsung straight to the point
apa dia ma berlanjut ke tempat gw or not...
and he refused..

ya suwd..

nah di ketemuan yang ketiga itu baru hehehe...
mampir ke rumah.. ngga lama si
karena paginya dia musti gawe lagi

. . . . .

gimana yah
sebenernya bener-bener ga ada yang spesial dari dia kecuali bisepnya itu
bahkan dari obrolan juga ga nyambung
mungkin dia sebenernya kocak, dari beberapa celotehannya pas lagi mood
tapi yang bikin bete, dia nunjukin banyak masalah ke gwnya

bikin senewen
jangan sampe ntar gw jadi ajang perez buat dia doang
keliatan polos sih.. keliatan pekerja keras
cuman keliatan juga kalo dia tipe pemimpi
buktinya dia sempet ikutan pemilihan model
atau ketipu duit jutaan pas ikutan casting

ngga deh...

sementara ini biarin aja kaya apa adanya dulu
sambil nunggu seberapa dia menginginkan gw
not for my posession