What i felt deep inside

30 Desember 2004

barusan ada kopi sore di common room
tapi bukan berarti di common room sambil minum kopi pas sore hari
kita meeting buat acara common room

ini jadi masalah besar buat gw...
karena musti ketemu ama gustaff
ga ada yang salah ama orang itu
semuanya cuman gw sendiri aja

gw selalu tegang kalo di deket dia
gw takut kalo musti ngomong ma dia
terus apalagi dengan kedieman gw selama ini
dia jadi salah memepersepsikan apa yang dia lihat dari diri gw

ngomong ke beberapa temen ternyata ga bikin gw ngerasa enak hati
kayanya mungkin gustaff jadi ngerasa sebel ma gw
apalagi gara-gara perpus yang berantakan
setelah acara bandung jazz statement

selama ini gw emang make perpus..
but well... teme-temen juga ikut make
gw ga tau otoritas gw di daerah perpus
jadi gw ga berani menyentuh barang-barang yang bukan barang titipan gw
dan juga ngelarang temen-temen unuk ga ninggalin bekasnya bahkan ribut sekalipun

terus sampe akhirnya
gustaff negur gw
klo dia keberatan dengan keadaan itu
jadi deh gw ngeberesin perpus

gw sama sekali ga keberatan disuruh ngeberesin perpus
ngejagain supaya tetep rapi
gw justru lebih lega
karena otoritas gw jadi jelas di lingkungan perpus

begitu juga dengan urusan website commonroom.info
gustaff kayanay kecewa ama pekerjaan gw
ok gw jadi web master
tapi gimana bisa ngejalanin tugasnya dengan baik kalo
dari eksekusi lay-out dan strukturnya musti nunggu dari orang lain
sementara nunggunya dlam waktu yang tidak ditentukan

terus kemudian soal materinya sendiri
karena struktur dari pihak laen ga jelas
gw bingung musti gimana ngisi webnya
bikin halaman-halaman yang dianggap pentingnya gimana

akhirnya beberapa malem ini gw
ngeberesin juga commonroom.info
semuanya gw hapus dan diset ulang
semoga dia ngeliat perubahan yang udah gw buat
dan dia mau juga ngerubah pandangannya akan gw

gw sama sekali ga ada perasaan negatf ama gustaff
selain takut en keder ngeliat pembawaannya

semoga setelah gw nulis di sini
malem ini gw bakalan bisa tidur dengan tenang.....

Duka buat korban tsunami

29 Desember 2004

once again, indonesia've got an enermous
disaster in the end of 2004 ...tsunami

more than 5,000 people dying and suffering
because of it...

they lost their stuffs, hapiness, and more.. their life
& family

it got even worst.. the disaster not just attacked
indonesia, but also many nations in south asia

it's big matter for world and humanity

be gracefull for yourself and anyone who's save
from it..

give our brothers and sisters blessing and faith,
our attention and help,

.. so they wouldn't also lose their hope and dreams
about next day life.....

for more informations:

- www.acehnews.com
- www.commonroom.info

indonesia emang lagi berduka..
tapi kayanya gw ga ngelakuin apa-apa
too busy with my own problems i guess...

but please..
gw bertanya pada diri sendiri
pasti ada sesuatu yang bisa kamu lakuin untuk mereka

di common room, udah bikin posko bantuan aceh
gw juga bantuin kasih fasilitas posting berita di web
at east that's what i can do for now..

God.. please save our life and heart to survive

Which OS Are You?

25 Desember 2004




You come to grips more frequently and thoroughly with yourself and your environment than do most people. You detest superficiality; you'd rather be alone than have to suffer through small talk. But your relationships with your friends are highly intensive, which gives you the inner tranquility and harmony that you need in order to feel good. However it is no problem for you to be alone for extended periods of time, without becoming bored.

You are .html You are versatile and improving, but you do have your limits.  When you work with amateurs it can get quite ugly.
Which File Extension are You?

all about personality

Results: Fashion & Style Quiz
Your score: 45

Your own Person (35-65 points)
Bram, you're not completety unaware of fashion trends and you usually conform to them sooner or later. There's nothing wrong with that as you are not the type of person that follows new trends blindly. For instance: you are not uncomfortable appearing in public with the sweater your grandmother knitted for you, but when you go out for new clothes you will probably buy something that is "in style". This proves that you are your own person and not a fashionfreak, so more power to you!

Results: Do You Appear Different Than You Really Are?
Your score: 70

Confident and Egocentric (70-100 points)
Bram, you're obviously very confident and spontaneous, you attract everybody's attention and you say exactly what you think! This is not bad by itself, but you also seem selfcentered and uninterested in other people's feelings. If you are happy they way you are, fine! If you're not, you should try to be more sensitive and listen to people when they try to tell you something. This way you'll make more real friends and you'll feel even better about yourself!

Results: Do You Always Get What You Want?
Your score: 40

Sometimes.... (35-60 points)
Bram, according to the Cool Test you're realistic and reasonable. Sometimes you give somebody what he/she wants and the next time you stick to your own will. You don't let people take advantage of you and quickly sniff out the people who try to do so. You're very spontaneous and you're great with people.

have more for ur own... @coolTest.com

23 Desember 2004

Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

banyak kerjaan numpuk hari ini
ngebenerin common room
ke bengkel
bayar kuliah
cari printer
beli speaker

kenapa seh gw musti disbukin dengan kegiatan semacem itu
as if couldn't life with that
well actually rather kinda true.. xixixi
tapi maksud gw
kapan yah gw punya back up, which mean's soulmate, doohh!
yang baka ngatur semuanya buat gw

udah ah...
ngebenerin qinkqonk lanjut terus....

ternyata ga mahal ya ke bengekel itu
hehehe... cuman abis 15 ribu
yang mahal malahgw beli bew baby..
epson c63!

harganya wajar aja juga seh..
tapi bawaannya itu yang bikin lebih mahal
jadi ngiler beli speaker ama keybord baru

idup itu teasa lebih gampang kalo kita g perlu ngapa-ngapain
gw ngerasain gw cukup senang dan g bete sama sekali
seharian online
hari ini libur kuliah (ga ada bedanya seh.. karena kalo lagi masuk, aku pun masih suka tetap libur!... hahaha)
jadi aku ga perlu mikirin tugas yang belum kelar...
humm.. bukannya justru musti makin dipikiran yak??

tau deh... mana yang musti diduluin?
banyak tugas kehidupan yang menanti
dan gw masih tetap bingung kaya biasanya

finished at last!

22 Desember 2004

aku menangis karena terharu!
akhirnyaqinkqonk.com-ku beres!!!!!

tinggal ngisi halaman-halaman yang kosong
yang penting smua tampilannya dah lengkap
ga sia-sia aku begadang sampe jam 4 pagi
bolos kuliah dua hari
ga mandi tiga hari
ga ngobrol ma nyokap

sekarang kayanya bakal rajinlagi ngisi postingan

kalo dipikir...
qinkqonk-ku ini persis banget ama kamar kosku
kalo pas lagi berantakan
rasanya males banget mau masuk

tapi begitu dah dirapiin
jadi betah berlama-lama di dalemnya

gitu dulu
banyak yang musti direncanain buat kehidupan dunia
setelah beberapa hari ditinggalin


21 Desember 2004

no item displayed yet!


no item displayed yet!

under construction!

lagi ngebenerin situs
pokoknya semuanya musti jadi malem ini
abis bete banget
situsnya kosong melompong
dan tiap pengen ngerubah tampilan
banyak banget artikel yang musti dibenerin

test drive kedua

20 Desember 2004

test drive lagi
gimana hasilnya bisa keluar dengan baik kan??
tolong dong.. cape bikinnya nih...

test drive ketiga

i hope it would be the last
muncul ga ya halamannya? S

01 Desember 2004

benar-benar hari yang melelahkan...
gw sampe ga sempat lagi nulis jurnal pribadi gw...

abis gimana lagi..
ngerjain website di common room ternyata ga semudah yang dikira
karena gw musti ngerjain semuanya manual...

untung ada blogger
sebagian kecil dari pekerjaan bisa ditangani dengan baik

tapi ga tau lagi kalo ntar mereka minta ganti desain terus...

ga akankuat..

sekarang nyempetin diri buat update situs milis
biar lancar....